Looking for a good laugh? Here are some oldies for you. If the people don't make you smile, their clothes will...
Bennett trying his first stunts. Cleo was there for moral support. |
Some relatives of mine I dare say.... (Left: Dustin Right: Dean) |
Awkward family photos. |
Yet more awesome family photos! I love all these people! (From the back Left: Rachel, Me, Uncle Paul, Mom, Dad. Middle: Dustin, Bennett, Sally) |
Yee haw! (Faces from left to right: Mom, Dad, Ivan, Beth, Hazen, Darlene, Ruth (in front of Darlene) Nick (very front with big grin) Paul, Dustin (in front of Paul) Arlene, Sally (in front of Arlene) David, Matthew (in front of David) Angela and Dean! |
Beach Beauties! I can vaguely remember these sweet times in Mill river Boating at the Cascumpec Bridge. (Left to right: Hazen, Darlene, Matthew, Rebecca, Trent holding Emma, Jonathan S, Ruth holding stroller, Carolyn in stroller, Mom also holding stroller, Arlene, Jason S, Matthew S, David. |
He had Bordom issues as a child. |
Homework for kindergarten. |
Motorcycle man! :)
Stay tuned for more! |
ReplyDeleteThat was great,You gotta remember i havent known most of you that long.
ReplyDeleteKevin MacNeill