What a cliff-hanger! I've kept you all in suspense long enough! I must say, you have all handled yourselves quite remarkably during this long waiting period. I've only gotten one or two life-threatening emails from my fans, telling me to hurry up and put up another post. Not bad at all.
Before I go any further, I would like to give a HUGE thank you to ALL the people who helped me out so much- with their hands AND with their prayers! I know a lot of you must have been praying, because that is the only way those knots came out! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!
Ok, so here is a quick recap of the events:
Total number of hours spent working on TANGLES only: 30+
total number of people who worked on it (not all at one time): 10+
Total number of products used in my hair: Innumerable (All of them???)
Total factor of relief felt when it was all over: 100%
Covering up my "Dreads" for meeting on sunday morning... How did I do? |
Here's the damage! |
Day 2 at the salon! *Notice the hair on the floor? Times that by 20 or so and you should have the total amount of hair lost during this fiasco. |
I owe them A LOT of combs.... |
A fragment of the hair loss. |
Day 3 at the salon...ALMOST OUT! :D |
Thanks so much to all of you gals at "Above and Beyond"! |
:S "Yikes, who put you under the lawnmower?!?" |
The hair situation ended considerably better than I ever thought possible. The left side of my hair is shoulder length, the right side goes halfway down my side, and the back is the longest of it all, ending slightly below my behind. It's pretty thin now, but hey, anything is better than a short bob, right! As long as I keep it up in a ponytail, or curl it I can hide it quite well.
For an example....
There's my hair! |