
Saturday, June 18, 2011


Surprise! Who could have guessed that this post would be about braces? Well sir! I went to Dr. McManaman's office yesterday for my 12:30 appointment, with mixed emotions. As I got further and further along though, I must say, my excitement started mounting. It was a bit of a long process, especially when they put the wrong brackets on my top 6 teeth, which had to be removed, and other clear ones put on instead. All in all though, it was quite a painless process. I love Doc Braces. Basically all I can eat now is liquids, and anything that breaks down my sucking on it. This is thanks to the "bite buttons" on my 2 back teeth, to make sure I don't bite down and break off a bracket or something. So, I've been sitting here eating my yogurt for the past 20 minutes, because it has little bits of fibre cereal in it and it requires a bit of chewing. 

And in other news, we set the pool up last week, anticipating warmer weather, which hasn't as yet, come along. We went swimming the other day, for like 3 minutes because the water was only 14 degrees. It felt like it was 3 degrees. :)
First we raked the dirt.

Then we carried and cleaned all of the poles. Remember, poles are dangerous, always wear a helmet! Safety first!

Clean off the tarp that goes under the pool, but on top of the dirt.

Roll out the pool onto the tarp.

Add in the poles and you've got yourself a pool!

Filling the pool.


Hahaha faceplant!