
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The following pictures may be disturbing to some viewers.
If you have problems regarding:
                 ~Cut open worms
                 ~Internal organs of worms
please do not look at the following pictures.

Ok, now time for my post. On Monday, as I was doing my science work, I decided to dissect a worm. Normally the idea of worm dissecting would be weird and slightly gross to me, but since that's what I was learning about in science, I thought I'd give it a try. I collected all the necessary tools, Mom's tweezers (don't worry, I sterilized them when I was finished), nail scissors, sewing pins, scalpel knife, styrofoam plate, aluminium foil and, of course, my camera. Once the worm was all opened up, I found it kind of fascinating to see, in real life, all the structures showed in my textbook!

The tools...

The experimental piece.

The incision exposing the crop, gizzard and intestine.. 


  1. I love it when you do these dissections on the kitchen table!! Anyone want to come for supper? haha Fried worm!

  2. hahahah kitchen table ...only you lydier...but nice experiment and pictures ..i wonder if i could do that with my cat? ..i dont have any worms ..jk was wondering if you killed it before?

  3. Finlay says you're pretty brave for a girl! Chloe says you are very brave to do that.
    Owen says you chose the wrong subject.

    Very cool pictures, although quite gross!

  4. Hahaha, well mom, I didn't do it RIGHT ON the bare kitchen table- that would leave pin holes. :) Micheal, yes I did kill the worm before, by suffocation. your poor cat, haha. Gwen, say hi to all the kids for me!! I miss them all! oh, and you and mark too of course. :)
